Prevent Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries

Slips and falls are a leading factor in preventable injuries and deaths. In Minnesota, the rate of deadly falls is rising faster than rates for the US as a whole and we are one of the top states for serious or fatal injury from falls. That is not a good...

ISAIAH: Action Over Inaction

by Jacque Bieber I found out about Isaiah when they had the big meeting a few years ago in North Minneapolis. I wanted to find out more about an organization right here in the Twin Cities, devoted to social justice and community building that included people from all religions. I...

ISAIAH: Abundance Over Scarcity

by Barbara Salava For a long time, I felt overwhelmed, powerless and frustrated with how my community and the world we live in, were functioning.  As a nurse, I saw people struggling to obtain adequate healthcare while earning minimal wages including my brother. He has been a diabetic since childhood. Due...