Mental Health Minute

Our Gloria Dei Mental Health Ministry team of volunteers offers Mental Health Minutes as they work to educate, create awareness and support the mental health of our community. Below are past Mental Health Minutes that we sent in our weekly News from Gloria Dei emails, with the most recent at...

Virtually Present or Truly Present:  On Deciding to Celebrate Holy Communion Online for Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday

by Pastor Bradley E. Schmeling, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Saint Paul, Minnesota Read Pastor Bradley's full message. Summary: Gloria Dei celebrated Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday in its online worship services. We will continue to include Holy Communion on the last Sunday of the month while we continue...

Be Hospital Ready

“Being ready” means having a plan for what to do when we need to respond quickly and efficiently. We plan and practice for severe weather and keep jumper cables in our cars. It is a good idea to have a contingency plan for going to the hospital, especially during this...