Simple Starts to Addressing Mental Health Issues


During Mental Health Month, Gloria Dei is raising awareness of the important role mental health plays in our lives. We are encouraging members of the community to take action toward protecting their mental and over wellbeing. Modern life can have a significant impact on mental health – for better or for worse. The disturbing imagery in the media we are exposed to today can be deeply unsettling. At the same time, our current technology also allows us to mobilize and provide collective support more efficiently in time of natural disasters or injustice. 

Finding a sense of calm and focusing on well-being when you are having mental health concerns can be daunting in our fast-paced society. It can be especially challenging to know where to start. Consider these three ideas: 

  • LEARN how modern life affects mental health with new resources to navigate our changing world
  • ACT by building a coping toolbox to manage stress, difficult emotions and challenging situation
  • ADVOCATE to improve mental health for ourselves, the ones we love and their community 

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of mental health condition and are unsure of where to start, please reach out our parish nurse or one of the pastors or call 988 Life & Suicide Lifeline. 

It’s important to remember that working on your mental health takes time. Change won’t happen overnight. Instead, by focusing on small changes you can move through the stressors of modern life and develop long-term strategies to support your self – and others on an ongoing basis.