Practice Hope – By Meg Stevenson. Member Blog, Day 17

This year, the Thanksgiving holiday was filled with many blessings, as so many of the people I love gathered over the four days. In many ways my family is my rock, but it is also very much my hope. This strong bond of love fuels my hope and sustains my spirit. Here is a photo of my 93 year old Dad with his four great grandchildren along with our son Tyler and his wife Samantha.

On the Sunday following Thanksgiving, our new twin granddaughters were baptized. Elinor on the left is wearing the baptismal gown her mother and grandmother wore at their baptisms. Camille is wearing a gown made by my Great Aunt Eva. It has been passed down through the generations. I wore it. Our children wore it and now our grandchildren.

As I watched these two precious children enter into a covenant with God, I thought of my Great Aunt. Could she have possibly known when she made this beautiful gown how many babies would be washed in the Living Water while wearing it. Baptism is such an amazing sacrament. It is overflowing with the hope that comes with faith in God and the knowledge that we can return to the font time after time and know that we are forgiven and above all, loved by God. Thanks be to God.