Practice Hope – by Betsy Diekema. Member Blog, Day 2

“Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.”

Emily Dickinson’s poem about hope has always been a favorite. Our crazy, stressful, uncertain world requires us to search for light and hope. In the darkest of times, God has always provided love and hope to all people. As followers of Jesus, we too can provide hope in our everyday lives. I search for hope in people, books, poetry, art, music, and Facebook.

From the time I was a little girl, my mom has been my hope-filled hero. She has taught me to “never borrow trouble,” to “live your life with the glass half full,” and to be kind and spread joy. Her life and examples have laid the foundation for how I want to live my life.

Facebook might seem like an unlikely place to provide hope, but I have enjoyed exploring this new avenue. Pinterest, quotes, books, art, music, other friends’ stories and memes are sources for me to share hope and happiness on Facebook. I tend to post a few times a day because there is so much beauty in the world to share. One day I may post a beautiful quote by Martin Luther King Jr, or a painting by Georgia O’Keefe, or even a funny meme about a popular Netflix series. It is a quick, fun way to insert hope into our daily lives. Through simple acts of sharing hope…..we can bring more light into our world.

So hop on your phone or iPad, and share a hope filled post or two! You just might bring some joy and smiles to your Facebook friends!